Core No. & Colour | Core No. & Colour | Core No. & Colour | Core No. & Colour |
1 white | 17 white/grey | 33 green/red | 49 white/green/black |
2 brown | 18 grey/brown | 34 yellow/red | 50 brown/green/black |
3 green | 19 white/pink | 35 green/black | 51 white/yellow/black |
4 yellow | 20 pink/brown | 36 yellow/black | 52 yellow/brown/black |
5 grey | 21 white/blue | 37 grey/blue | 53 white/grey/black |
6 pink | 22 brown/blue | 38 pink/blue | 54 grey/brown/black |
7 blue | 23 white/red | 39 grey/red | 55 white/pink/black |
8 red | 24 brown/red | 40 pink/red | 56 pink/brown/black |
9 black | 25 white/black | 41 grey/black | 57 white/blue/black |
10 violet | 26 brown/black | 42 pink/black | 58 brown/blue/black |
11 grey/pink | 27 grey/green | 43 blue/black | 59 white/red/black |
12 red/blue | 28 yellow/grey | 44 red/black | 60 brown/red/black |
13 white/green | 29 pink/green | 45 white/brown/black | 61 black/white |
14 brown/green | 30 yellow/pink | 46 yellow/green/black | |
15 white/yellow | 31 green/blue | 47 grey/pink/black | |
16 yellow/brown | 32 yellow/blue | 48 red/blue/black | |
Exception 4-core line, which has a sequence of white/1, yellow/2, browm/3, green/4.
Paire No. | Colour of a-core | Colour of b-core | Paire No. | Colour of a-core | Colour of b-core |
12345 | white | brown | 123456 | white/red | brown/red |
22446 | green | yellow | 133557 | white/black | brown/black |
32547 | grey | pink | 143658 | grey/green | yellow/grey |
42648 | blue | red | 153759 | pink/green | yellow/pink |
52749 | black | violet | 163860 | green/blue | yellow/blue |
62850 | grey/pink | red/blue | 173961 | green/red | yellow/red |
72951 | white/green | brown/green | 184062 | green/black | yellow/black |
83052 | white/yellow | yellow/brown | 194163 | grey/blue | pink/blue |
93153 | white/grey | grey/brown | 204264 | grey/red | pink/red |
103254 | white/pink | pink/brown | 214365 | grey/black | pink/black |
113355 | white/blue | brown/blue | 224466 | blue/black | red/black |
Number of cores |
3 | |||||||||||||||
4 | |||||||||||||||
5 | |||||||||||||||
6 and above | black with printed numbers |
Number of cores |
2 | |||||||||||||||
3 | |||||||||||||||
4 | |||||||||||||||
5 | |||||||||||||||
6 and above | black with printed numbers |
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